What is the purpose of this blog?
I discovered quite by accident that I now have 2 followers! That made me happy. And then I wondered why it meant that much to me. I've caught myself wondering "What is the point of my blog? Why do I do this?" Then I wonder why I'm wondering :)
A blog is words. But it's also more. It is someone trying to express themselves and their views to others. Everyone wants to be heard; to feel like their words are going somewhere and doing something. I think that is why I get excited when I have 39 pageviews one day; when I get another follower. This doesn't define me in any way; I'm not getting my worth by number of followers or pageviews. But at the same time, it's super cool to know and see that people are reading. My words and thoughts are going somewhere.
So back to the question of the point of this blog. I originally started it to share cool things I found (quotes, pictures, etc.) with my friends. I set everything up and emailed people the link. I got some comments in the beginning, but for a very long time, it seemed like no one was reading (except the pageview counter kept rising :). That made me a little disappointed. I really like getting comments; hearing what people think about what I posted. I think that now, the point of my blog is pretty much the same - to share my thoughts and things I find interesting with people - only now, my audience is broadening. It makes me happy and I still think sometimes, "This really shouldn't be this big of a deal." But for some reason it is.
I don't blog for the followers, the comments, the pageviews. I blog because I want to. Because I like to write and this is how I think things through. I also like to have a place to put all the neat things I find. Sharing all this with others makes me happy. Followers and comments are the bonuses.
Maybe this is totally weird and makes no sense to you, or maybe you're nodding your head and saying "Yes, I get it." Whatever the case, thank you for reading, following, and commenting, because I will admit, it makes blogging more fun to know someone is reading.
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