We live in a sinful world ~ thoughts about Baltimore

Anger, hatred, intolerance. Some combination of these three things is what is behind almost every headline these days. People react first and think later. I get it. We live in a sinful world. But at the same time, I just don't understand. 
Name me one time that anger solved a problem, hatred fixed something or when riots brought about change. I'm mostly writing this because of Baltimore, but it applies to Ferguson and any other time/place where people reacted badly to something bad happening. 

Here is the thing. People do bad things. But it's not one-sided. The Indians massacred the settlers yes, but the settlers came in, took the Indians land, and also massacred them back. Both sides did terrible things. Whites used to own blacks. Blacks used to be segregated. I get it. Whites were prejudiced and there were major problems that needed fixing. But we need to not be elephants and we need to forgive. What is evident now is that there is prejudice by blacks against whites. Is there police brutality? Yes. But it's not limited to white police officers. That's just what gets press coverage. I'm 100% positive that black officers have done bad things. Want to know how I can be so sure? Because they are humans too. We all do bad things. The way to try and fix things is not by burning down your city and causing untold amounts of damage. 

Now, I'm not trying to underscore the cause of the issue. It is a terrible thing that Freddie Gray is dead. But anger and riots won't bring him back. 

Riots don't change anything. Fear, anger, and hatred solve no problems. They only fuel and cause more. I get that people are angry and hurt and confused and I'm sorry for that. But look at how Martin Luther King Jr. did it. He saw a problem and set out to change it. Not by rioting and burning. He acted like a mature adult and did peaceful protests. He made speeches and outlined his arguments. Little children throw temper-tantrums; adults debate and talk things out. So, are we adults or children? 

We all see that there is a legitimate problem. Let's work together to fix it. Anger and violence and rage don't work. Words do. And prayer does. Pray for rational thoughts and minds to prevail. But remember, we don't live in a perfect world. We live in a world tainted by sin. There will always be problems of some sort to deal with. We need to deal with them properly, like the mature adults we are. 

I don't want to anger anyone with what I've said, I just want to share my thoughts and they are thoughts from someone not connected in any way to what is going on. I have no prejudice or bias except my Christian worldview. Maybe me being an outsider makes me unfit to comment, but I wanted to share my views and opinions.


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