What I'm Listening To // Eighth Installment

I used to hear songs from this band back when Air1 had their New Music Channel. So I've heard of them, but really don't know their work. This is another one of those songs that I randomly discovered on Spotify and got pulled in by the music.

Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what the song is talking about; what point or message they're trying to send. I just like the music. That's what has me listening. When it comes to Christian music, the thing that generally makes or break a song is the music (sometimes the singer's voice too). You can have great lyrics, but if I don't like the music, I'm not listening. That sort of explains why I like this song so much, even though I don't know what it's talking about. And why I like scores/instrumentals/Owl City so much :)

I just realized that I have yet to say what this song is. Would you like to know that little detail? ;) It's called On My Way by Rhema Soul (ft. Ryan Stevenson). 


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