You'll Never Hear This In The News
My family gets a news magazine called WORLD. It presents the news from a Biblical, Christian standpoint. There have been many articles over the last few years (and I'm sure even before we started getting it) about homosexuality and the fact that it is possible, through Christ, to have freedom from same-sex attractions. You don't hear that in mainstream media. Here is something else you won't hear in mainstream media:
In October, the Court of Appeal in Belfast (Ireland) ruled against a bakery that refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding. Peter Tatchell, a homosexual activist in Northern Ireland, called the ruling "a dangerous, authoritarian precedent". He said he disagrees with the owners of the bakery on gay marriage but that, "this verdict is a defeat for freedom of expression."
~ WORLD magazine Nov. 12, 2016 pg. 8
This guy stood up for a bakery who disagreed with him! That completely stunned me. Not only does he believe gay marriage is okay, he is an activist for it, yet he also defends an individual's right to their own beliefs and freedom of expression. This is what we need more of. The only reason Tatchell is even able to disagree with the bakery (and vice versa) is because of things like freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
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