This Is My Therapy

If you're a Relient K fan, you're welcome. I just got a song stuck in your head for the next while :) Seriously though, this blog has made me realize something about myself...

I'm a writer.

By that, I mean that I process things by writing. It is like therapy to me. Whatever I'm thinking about or dealing with, putting it down on paper (or typing it on a screen) relieves a huge burden on my heart and mind. I always feel better after writing things out. I have many drafts on this blog that may never be seen by anyone else, but I wrote them to process thoughts. I have different journals and notebooks that I write in for the same purpose. 

I hope you have something that helps you process things. Maybe it's artistic like drawing. Maybe it's athletic like running. If you don't have an outlet, I hope you find one. Your life will be much better if you have a way to process things. 

That's it for deep thoughts today :) Thanks for listening to me. Sometimes I wonder why people care what I have to say. It's cool to know that what may be simple to me can have a deeper effect on someone else.  


  1. Same! Writing, drawing, swimming... all ways I love to relieve stress and get things sorted out in my mind. :)


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