Stand-out quotes from "Naked Fruit"

I just finished reading a book on the Fruit of the Spirit. It's called Naked Fruit by Elisa Morgan. I really liked the book; there were some very interesting points that I'd never thought of before. I marked a couple points that really stood out to me.

  • Happiness comes from the root hap, which means chance. Happiness is circumstantial.
  • Joy is the ability to hold up because we know we are being held up.
  • Emotions of pain and hurt in response to the offenses of others need to be processed and experienced because we are, by nature, emotional human beings.... When we process our response to being wronged with God - honestly expressing to Him how we feel - the fruit of patience can grow from the tangled vines of our hurt.
At the end of the book, Elisa talks about how we have to make a choice each day to submit to God and His cultivating of this fruit in our lives. 

  • I will love. I will make a committed choice to be there... in everything.
  • I will exhibit joy. I will have confidence in God, no matter what happens.
  • I will practice peace. I will rest in God, knowing that God holds me in the storms of life.
  • I will reach for patience. I will hang in there with hard-to-love people.
  • I will express kindness. I will meet needs nicely.
  • I will model goodness. I will try to be like God, inside and out.
  • I will keep faithfulness. I will be true to God.
  • I will live gentleness. I will yield myself to God's desires.
  • I will choose self-control. I will depend on healthy-minded thinking for all the areas of my life.
Yeah, I'm still working on those. ALL of them :) But I think they are good reminders of the choices we need to make and I don't think they're unattainable. Obviously not by our own power, but it's not like, "Oh, I can't do it. It's too hard." I'm going to pick one and try and work on it. How about you?


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