Great quote from Brother Andrew

I just read "God's Smuggler"by Brother Andrew. Incredible book. Miracle after miracle happened in his ministry. My book had an interview with Andrew about his work in the Middle East. There were so many good points he made, but one really stood out to me.

Q: You also made many trips to Israel. Wasn't it a problem to meet members of Hezbollah, who are considered Israel's enemy?
A: The best thing we can do for Israel is win her enemies to Christ. How do you do that? First you need to become friends. You can never win an enemy to Christ. As long as we see any person as an enemy - whether Communist, Muslim or terrorist, - then the love of God cannot flow through us to reach them.......

There is a little more, but that was just so simple, yet profound. It's like the saying to pray for your enemies and by doing so, you will find it harder and harder to hate them. Something to think about.


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