A Tale of Two Books
I have a humorous situation going on that I thought might amuse you as well. I'm going to write it out somewhat like a story.
Sarah loves to read. She loves to recommend and loan books to others almost as much. Introducing younger kids to great books makes her very happy. She started loaning books to her friends Noah and Natalie.
One particular series, they returned in parts. Books one, two, and three came back first. Then, through various goofs, the last two books were long in being returned. One time Noah would forget them at home; another time Sarah and her family would forget to get them from him.
Each time Sarah would see Noah, she'd tease him about the books.
"Noah, did you bring the books?"
This past Wednesday was no different. "Noah, you can only sit with us during dinner if you bring back my books."
But Noah's answer was surprising. "I brought them to Bible study last week."
That was interesting because she didn't have them. So where were they?
"Mark, where are my books? Noah said he brought them to you at Bible study last week."
Sarah's brother had no idea. He didn't recall that at all. Neither did Joe, when he arrived. Okay, fine. Let's see if they are at the house where Bible study meets.
Sarah texts her friend. "Do you have my Robot Wars books at your house?"
"Not that I recall."
Oh dear. Still, no need to panic. Noah said they were at the house, so that's where they are, even if our friends don't know that at the moment. Wait. The friend texts back.
"They are here. They were in the boys' room and I didn't know it."
Perfect. They can stay there and her brothers can get them the next day when they go to Bible study. Why no one texted to say they had her books when they found them, Sarah didn't know, but the books were located.
The next night, Sarah is waiting for her brothers to get home. They bring their stuff in.
"Do you have my books?"
"Um, no. Roman has no idea what we are talking about."
Seriously??? She's calling that boy.
"Roman, hi. I understand that you don't know what my brothers are talking about with these books. So I'm just going to walk you through all that I've been told and we'll see if we can't figure this out. Noah said he brought them to your house last week and put them on the table. I don't know if it was your kitchen table or the table in the room where you do Bible study. It's two books and they should be in a plastic handle bag."
"Wait, I have these two books here. I don't know where they came from. Robot Wars?"
YES! "Those are them. Glad we figured that out. We'll get them next week, if we don't see you before then."
It was a crazy process, but currently, the books are found. Hopefully I'll get them back next week :)
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