I Got A New Toy :) // It's A Fine, Fine Life #24

I've been saving for "camera stuff" for a while now. I didn't know at first what exactly it was going to be. Then I started realizing that my lenses were not cutting it anymore. I needed better quality lenses than my kit lenses. 

I was going to get a 24-70mm, as a lot of photographers were saying it was their everyday lens. But for portraiture, most of the things I was reading were saying 50mm or 85mm were a must. On Opal's baptism day, a guy at my church was taking pictures for us with my camera. I didn't know he was into photography (although now I know that he's basically into everything), but I started asking him about it. He shoots Canon. Sweet. What lenses do you have? A 50mm! Could I borrow it to see what I think?

It seems like a good idea to try out lenses before you spend that kind of money, but I also didn't really want to rent if I didn't have to. That would make it take even longer before I could buy the lenses. I got to borrow the 50mm and I used it to take photos of Opal and the family. Oh my goodness, it was fantastic! My mentor has been telling me that I need to get the eyes sharper in my images. I think I succeeded in these!

I knew I needed to get a 50mm for my business. That was emphasized on a senior session I had the next week, where there was little light and 1.4 capability would have been awesome (also, me remembering that my flash only works when using the viewfinder would have helped as well. Live and learn). 

Thus, I have purchased a Sigma 50mm 1.4 lens. It just came the other day and I'm so excited to start using it in my work. I also bought a 55-200mm zoom lens, because my telephoto kit lens is annoying. The autofocus is super slow, which is not good for baseball, but manual focus is difficult for moving subjects. Although, my new knowledge of back-button focus might help that problem too.

I got two lenses for less than you can get one 50mm (depending on maximum aperture and brand). YES!!! 

(The 55-200 hasn't arrived yet. This is the 50.)


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