Why Do We Say "God Showed Up"?

"Did you hear about the amazing thing that happened? God really showed up."

People like to say that when something big or great happened, that "God showed up". But it got me thinking, when we say that, do we think He wasn't there before? I don't think that's what we mean, but do we sort of think that?

God is omnipotent (all-powerful), omnipresent (all-present), and omniscient (all-knowing). If we believe that He is always present, then why do we say "God showed up"? Wouldn't it be more correct to say we showed up?

If we experience God doing something amazing, a "God-thing", it's not that He showed up. It's more like we opened our eyes to see Him. We showed up. We saw Him at work. A non-believer can see the same event and think "what a coincidence" while we as Christians say "isn't God awesome?". 

I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with the phrase "God showed up", but we should be careful with our intent behind it. What do we believe about God when we are saying it and what are other people perceiving about God? We represent Him to the world, and when we say phrases like that, are they seeing God as less than He is? Do they think He isn't always present? There are probably better ways to get the same point across that might not be as confusing.


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