Things to do if you get so bored you can't think of anything else to do

 My friend made this list up and I like to read it to get a laugh.

•Play hide and go seek with yourself:
Sounds something like this (make sure people aren't around or they might think you are going crazy)
"Where am I?"
"Ah! I knew it!"
"I knew what?"
"That I am right here!"
"And I didn't know that before?"
"Well,,, I guess I was the one who decided to be here."
"Yeah. Because it is physically impossible to hide from yourself."
"But I'm bored."

•Chase yourself around the house.
This consists of running around yelling "I'll never catch myself!" Also make sure people don't see you doing this :)

•Lecture your favorite portrait hung in your house about how he should become 3-dimensional.
•Tell the portrait (painting or photo) how depressed it makes you that it is not in 3 dimensions. How sad.

•Draw a picture of what you imagine air would look like if you could see it
No explanation necessary.

•Make up the most random song you can think of.
My example: (to the tune of the chorus of Jingle Bells)
My Taco
My Taco
Soda drink as well
I'm at Taco Bell!


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