Make The To-Do List

I can't remember exactly where I heard this, but I've heard that if you commit to several things that have to get done, then you have the satisfaction and relief of knowing those things are done. Maybe you have a long list of things you want/need to get done. Pick 3-5 of them and commit to doing them. When you're done, you can then do some other things, but you have the good feeling that you got something done.

I just experienced this yesterday. I had four things that needed to get done and I finished them by 1:00. It felt so good. Then I did other things - reading, stuff on the computer, etc. But I knew that I had accomplished stuff that needed to get done. 

Why I don't do this more often, I don't know. But I'm going to try to do it more. By shortening the list to a few things each day, you feel less overwhelmed. You do those few things first and then have the rest of the day to do what you want. I like it. 


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