The Chameleon
Chameleons are pretty cool. Not only can they blend in to their surroundings, they can move their eyes independently! The left eye can be looking down and the right eye looking up, backwards and forwards, whatever. It's really neat.
I think we need to imitate the chameleon a little bit as Christians. It seems like most Christians have one of two focuses: we either fixate on this life or the next.
Some Christian speakers, authors, teachers, and pastors focus on eternity. Songs talk about how this world is not our home, we don't really belong here. While they are right, I don't think that should be our total focus. It's like me always looking ahead to the next exciting event in my life (which is something I have to fight against still).
Other Christians focus on the here and now. Fixing this life and this world. Yes, we are called to live out our faith in this world - be in the world but not of it - and yes, we need to care about this earth and the lost people on it, but neither do I think that should get all our attention.
Enter the chameleon and its independent eyes.
Just as the chameleon can look in two directions at once, I think we can and should too. Now, I realize that this is a lot easier for me to type than it is to live. But hear me out. We do need to realize that this world, this life, is not where we ultimately belong. Our home is ultimately with God. We should keep that reality in mind and keep it in focus - with one eye. With the other eye, we can focus on the world around us. On the people, those who don't yet have an eye on eternity. We do need to be reaching out to them. We do need to live in the here and now, to enjoy the lives and blessings God has given.
Rather than using human eyes, let's be a chameleon. One eye looking ahead, one eye looking right here.
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