The God of the universe loves ME?

I am reading book 8 in the Red Rock Mysteries and there is this really cool thought. Ashley, one of the main characters, is lying on top of a houseboat looking at the stars. This is what she is thinking:

The heavens stretched from canyon to canyon and made you feel small and unimportant. On the other hand, if you believe that God made us, knew everything about us even before we were born, and that He made every star, every planet, all the fish and animals, the mountains and prairies.... well, you get the picture. Looking at those stars twinkling millions of miles away made me think of how big God is, how powerful, and it made me wonder why He would love us enough to come to earth and die for us. For me.

As we are entering (or are in) the Christmas season, this really hit home with me. Food for thought. 


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