Isn't That The Truth

 My dad found this in a comment section online regarding social situations:

"Regarding the lure of a library away from the party, I almost always have a book with me at social events. When I need a break from interacting with people, I will politely retreat and dive into the book for awhile. I also found, unexpectedly, that the book can draw the attention of some intelligent and interesting people and serve as a conversation starter.

If anyone complains about it, I simply tell them, "Is it my fault that C.S. Lewis is the most interesting person in the room?"

I pretty much take a book everywhere I go, even if there is about a zero chance I'll need it. Sometimes, you just need a break from people. Even if they are people you like. Even with my best and closest friends, I sometimes come home and need time alone. That's how I recharge so I can be with other people later!

I can't comment on the book drawing interesting conversation, though. Usually, someone just asks what I'm reading, I tell them, and they walk away. Not that I mind, because then I can get back to reading! :)


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