Amazing Poem from Coptic Christians to ISIS
I don't even know if I could act like the Coptic Christians in Egypt if I had to go through what they are experiencing. I hope I would, but I just don't know. I was reading an article in Christianity Today and they linked to a blog with this poem a Coptic Christian wrote. I'm posting it here, but linking back to the blog I found it on.
A Message to ISIS
by Kiro al-Masry
I will not speak (as some have done)
And curse your religion whatever its name.
I have come that it be known:
My fathers’ religion and what it proclaims.
My fathers’ religion has love at its heart,
The meaning of which will call you to peace.
My fathers’ religion, right from the start
Offers forbearance that conflict will cease.
Your hatred and killing in no way suffices
To stop us from loving and praying for you.
My father’s religion, oh dear Uncle ISIS,
Is not a weapon to pierce you straight through.
I wish that you could come to see
Or just one time the answer seek.
That while you bomb and murder, we
Stay strong as if a mountain peak.
My fathers’ religion of spirit consists.
It is not a body whose end is the dust.
And for the spirit—despite death persists—
Awaiting are loved ones residing in trust.
My fathers’ religion, if you could discern,
Offers each wounded the medic of life.
Tomorrow when you will repent and return,
You will come to know just who is the Christ.
How amazing is this? God has given them strength and forgiveness and love that is beyond human ability and reason. This kind of reaction is not humanly possible, but God makes it possible.
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