Send A Letter

I love to get mail. My favorite kind is a letter from a friend or pen-pal. It's always a surprise; I never know when a letter might show up in my mailbox.

Why do letters make our day?

I think it's because we know that our friend (or loved one) took the time to actually sit down and write to us. They took the time to put on paper what they want to tell us. Texting and email are great - you can know things much faster - but there is just something so special about getting a letter. 

I keep every letter I get. They are some of my most valuable possessions because they are the words of my friends to me. Words that they specifically chose to share with me. That means so much. We underestimate the power of words, but when you read a letter, you start to realize how much they mean. My friends' letters make me smile, laugh, and encourage me. 

My friends tell me how nice it is to get a letter. When my friend who lives out of state was home for Christmas, I still wrote her every week, so she had three letters waiting for her when she got home. Especially friends who are away from home, whether for school or work or they just moved, hearing from a familiar person from a place that means something to them, can mean a lot.

Many people are busy, I know. But my pen-pal sometimes wrote me typed letters. It's still nice because she took the time to write me about her life, even if she made it a bit easier by typing on a computer. The letters from friends who are busy are extra special because they are rare. College kids are busy! They don't have a lot of free time and what they do have is valuable to them. So when they write you a letter, it's saying that you are worth it! You mean enough to them that they want to spend time writing you.

This is my long way of saying, write a letter. You'll make someone's day, I guarantee it. I write letters to my friends who are away from home to say, "you're far away, but I'm still here." I want them to know that I'm not going anywhere. Trust me, they appreciate to hear from you. And, if you are the one away from home, take the time every now and again to write your friends (and family) back home. We love hearing from you too!

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs... Be kind an compassionate to one another" Ephesians 4:29a,b & 32a


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