The Season of Graduation

It's graduation season. My refrigerator says so. 

We already have five invites on our fridge and so far, I can do it all. It means going from one thing to the next on certain days, but hey, my friends only graduate once. And for some friends, this will probably be the last time I see them for a long time. 

What's crazy is that I'm graduating too! This Saturday. That doesn't seem possible. My friends and I just aren't old enough for this. But it doesn't matter what I think, this is the season we're in. 

I'm having a lot of fun preparing. I've made invitations, senior picture wallets, a photo book. Then there is going through old pictures for photo boards (that is a blast, let me tell you!). Plus, graduating has made me finally finish a scrapbook I've been working on for 4 years. I haven't actually been actively working on it. I started it, didn't like how it was going, so it sat. For a long time. But now it's getting finished and I'm liking it much better. 

I like all the planning that is going into my graduation, the parties, etc. I think my mom is having fun too (at least for now, right Mom? :) 

This only happens once. I'm glad I can enjoy it. And as much as the ceremony will freak me out, I will be glad I did it. Once it's over, that is.  


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