Give So Others May Live

Give So Others May Live.

These were the words on a billboard by the highway. They sound amazing and really inspiring. I wholeheartedly agree... except, just who are we trying to help live? People with sickness? Unborn babies? Veterans? 


This was a billboard for an animal shelter.

Let me be clear, I like animals. I'm not against them and I think animal shelters are great. But I don't elevate them over people. That's what I see happening here. The people behind these billboards are putting animals on too high a pedestal.

People need our help more than animals. 

I know that sounds blunt, but we are the ones created in the image of God. We are the ones with souls. We are the ones tasked with the care of creation (which includes shelter animals). The ones who need our help most are people. 

If we are indeed helping people, giving so that PEOPLE can live, then yes, help the animals too. But if we are putting animals before people, then we have our priorities out of place.


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