Furry Fuzz in the Frigid Freezer Frenzy

This is story co-written by the kids in my Write Like The Greats class at co-op. We each wrote a sentence, going around in a circle. Honestly, I was surprised that it turned out this well. Oh, the title was decided on by three of my crazy classmates who - once they've made up their minds - you really can't say no to. So this is what you get. Okay, here goes.

We were in the grocery store, in the freezer section, when it happened. They outnumbered us 10-1. Frozen in fear, Grandma dropped her purse. We hurriedly formed a war counsel to decide how to deal with this menace.If they hadn't had weapons, we probably could have taken them. Unfortunately, they were all 10 feet tall and had razor sharp teeth. Three cans of tomato sauce were not enough to suppress the oncoming attack. Grandma called us all to action. It was my job to grab the four bags of frozen potatoes. It seemed like the creatures were trying to communicate with us, but we were too busy fighting back to pay any attention. As Dad grabbed the dish soap, which had been misplaced, I quickly signaled to my brother to look behind him, but it was too late. There was already 10 feet of furry fuzz dropping over his head. With a battle cry, I flung the janitor's mop at the creature. He let out a loud roar. The last thing I heard was, "Clean up in Aisle 12".


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