Once I Knew by Victoria Lynn // Book Release Post

Hello, hello! It's been awhile since I've posted but I've got a LOT of stuff for today's post on Victoria Lynn's latest book!!! The best part is, it's going to be a series! I can't wait to see where this story goes, but you don't know anything about it yet, so let's fix that, shall we?

“Loyalty cannot be bought, and integrity should not be sacrificed at the hand of tyranny.” ~ Violet


Chronicles of Elira Book #1


Violet lives her quiet life in her sleepy village, trying to remain as dead to the politics that are threatening their world as possible. She follows the rules, stays out of trouble and does her best to remain out of sight from the dreaded and overbearing Kingsmen.


With the new regent on the throne till the prince comes of age, the country has been thrown into a turmoil. Unlike the kindly king before him, the new ruler is overbearing, frightening and tyrannical in his rule. Taxes are bleeding the people dry and without the money or goods to pay, they have been forced into penal servitude and imprisonment by the Kingsmen, who show no mercy. The despair and fear that has taken over their lives has ruled out any level of hope.


When Violet stumbles upon an unconscious and injured Kingsman in the woods, despite the consequences, she is compelled to take care of the injured man. When he wakes and has no memory of his identity or past, she takes the only precaution that will keep her and her grandmother safe; she destroys the evidence of his past life.


If Violet’s lowly Kingsman regains his memory, will she survive the consequences? And will the Kingsman be able to live with his past life? Who will fight to free Elira? 

My Review

I've enjoyed following Victoria on Instagram and honestly, sometimes I forget that she is a writer! She does so much and writing is only ONE of the many things she is talented at.

This book was not really what I was expecting. I don't know about Acotar, but this sounded like Tricia Mingerink's Blads of Acktar and I loved that so I wanted to read this. However, they are not really the same at all. That is NOT a bad thing! I'm just saying that they are very different books.

Once I Knew feels like it could be medieval history, rather than fantasy. It just feels like ancient Europe and I liked that a lot. But probably my favorite thing about this book was the TRUTH!!! In this world of lies that we live in, speaking the truth overtly will get you ignored. But Victoria has brilliantly woven truth into this story in a way that will maybe actually be able to get people's attention. It's like sneaking vegetables to kids. You get them hooked and THEN reveal that there is something good for them inside.

Our MCs are very relatable characters - Violet especially. I kept connecting to what she was thinking and feeling and hoping that I could be as brave as her! And there is a very, very sweet relationship in this book that was so pure and honoring and lovely! Well done, Victoria!

There were two things that had me not giving this a five-star rating. One, there was not much dialogue. A lot of the book is spent within the heads of the main characters. I do love a good character-driven novel where we see immense character growth, but I also love dialogue and this book was a little light on that for my taste. The second thing was how fast everything happened. Now, don't get me wrong, part of me is supremely glad we don't have to wait four books for some resolution, but the pace of the story seemed rushed at times. Without spoiling anything (hopefully), I felt like one character's change was too quick and that the climax and central conflict was resolved too easily. Now, that may just be for now and the problems might come back later. That's a distinct possibility. Maybe after you read it you'll know what I'm trying to say.

I loved the two MCs and would like to have gotten to know some of the other supporting characters better, like Marcus, Fendrel, and Evergard. (Maybe also in future books???) I am supremely glad that Victoria has delved back into writing and look forward to the next installment of The Chronicles of Elira!!!

*I received an advanced copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and a favorable was not required.*



Possibly my favorite part of participating in blog tours is interviewing the authors! Here is my interview with Victoria.

Smylinggirl: What inspired the idea for this story/series?
Victoria Lynn: I started the first chapter with a writing prompt on my blog! I saw a photo in my writing board on Pinterest and a story idea exploded. It snowballed from there and the rest of the story was so captivating I had to write it into a book.

SG: Who was your favorite character to write?
VL: Obed probably, but if I had to pick a character that isn't an MC, I do love Everard. he reminds me of some very dear people in my life and he makes me smile and feel loved every time I write about him.

SG: What was the hardest scene/character to write?
VL: Enguerrand! This villain was so wily and different and confusing that putting his story line together was a bear, but also super satisfying once it was complete. It took me a long time to work out his motivation and what was actually going on behind the scenes. Keep an eye out for him. He's a slippery fish.

SG: How long did you have this idea before actually writing it?
VL: Woof. This question. I wrote the prompt about 3 years ago now and shortly after starting to draft the book, some life circumstances came in the way and God asked me to give Him my writing for a while. It was really hard surrendering that dream, but it was all in His perfect timing and I'm so grateful for that experience, even if it was super hard.

What gives or where do you get your inspiration for stories?
VL: Literally anything. A song, a photo, movies, books... I feel like my life is so full of stories that they just tumble out of me at this point. I'm very heavily influenced by aesthetics and images so my Pinterest boards are my favorite part of the process. LOL!

Meet Victoria

Victoria Lynn has an insatiable desire for truth, light and beauty.

Traveling to destinations of beauty created by our Heavenly Father, reveling in creative pursuits that fill her with joy, or pouring her heart into words of life are some of her favorite things to do.

She seeks to bring the life giving words of the Savior to a dark and broken world that desperately needs to know of His sacrifice.

A writing and publishing coach, author, journalist, seamstress and creator, she loves spending time with any of her 8 siblings, exploring her native state of Michigan, and sewing gowns fit for a princess.

After reading ALL of that, you probably want to go get your own copy of the book, right? Well, for your convenience, we have the links right here for you!

Amazon: (will be filled in once it’s listed)

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/59763738-once-i-knew?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=2GxaSM7rdx&rank=4

Barnes and Nobles: (will be filled in once it’s listed)

Signed Copy Purchase: http://victorialynnblog.com/shop/

Thanks for reading and congrats on making it to the end! Here is a pretty photo and a quote to finish things off!



Obed:  “What side of history will you be on?”


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