Interview with Phylicia Masonheimer

A friend introduced me to the website Project Inspired, and through that site, I found Phylicia Masonheimer. I've followed her blog for a little while now (I can't remember the exact time frame) and thought it would be so neat to interview her about her own blogging! I've been challenged and learned a lot through the articles Phylicia has written. Her writing has a way of forcing you to take a look at your own beliefs and thoughts about a topic.

Phylicia has a lot going on in life right now, but she was gracious enough to answer the questions I sent her. Let's get to know Phylicia!

Smylinggirl: To start off with, what are some things you'd like people to know about you?
Phylicia Masonheimer: The first is, I hope, rather obvious: that I am a follower and disciple of Christ. I have been married for three years to my husband, Josh, and we have one daughter and a baby on the way. I think it's worthy to note that I am a strong personality type - an ENTJ - and this has taught me much about what it means to be a strong woman in the church and marriage while also honoring God's design for my role in both those spheres.

SG: Why did you start blogging?
PM: I started blogging when I was sixteen (eleven years ago) as a hobby and outlet for my writing habit. I started with poetry and then started writing what I learned in my devotions and Bible study. 

SG: Why blogging, as opposed to YouTube or something else?
PM: I have always had a talent for writing, winning several national poetry contests in my teens, and wanted to cultivate that gift. At the time I entered the blogosphere YouTube wasn't as popular with young bloggers/vloggers as it is now.

SG: What has been your biggest challenge/learning curve in blogging?
PM: Learning to write succinctly has been a big learning curve. I tend to be very long winded, trying to make my point in every possible way. I'm still learning how to express my arguments and thoughts in a way that is both short and clear.

SG: What is your favorite thing about blogging?
PM: Probably the people I meet through the blog. I have a strong community of women across the nation and world - no matter where I go, we have a connection because of our shared values. I have seen girls become friends through real-life meet ups and have made life-long friends through Instagram and Facebook. 

SG: What is your favorite blog? (Besides your own ;)
PM: I have a few. One of my recent favorites is Mother, Sister, Daughter, Wife - there are many authors, but Anna Mussmann is my favorite. 

SG: Would you mind telling us something strange/unique/or funny about yourself?
PM: I spent a summer working in New Mexico as a wrangler, leading trail rides in the mountains. I spent my childhood in equestrian sports (and was on my college equestrian team) so spending the summer there gave me a chance to wear chaps and spurs and play cowgirl for a few months!

SG: How do you come up with material to write about?
PM: I listen to many different podcasts, am a voracious reader, and regularly ask my readers what issues they want to see addressed on the blog. I watch for cultural issues that are relevant to my audience as well, and I am always looking at the church for where we can improve as the Body of Christ and how women can play a part in that progress.

SG: What inspires you? 
PM: If I need inspiration to write, I usually listen to a podcast (not my own (Uniquely Woman), though that does inspire me too!) or think over the concepts I'd read in a book that day or an article I read about current events. I'll often use the app Voxer to run ideas past my podcast co-host and friend Lisa Hensley or one of my sisters. This is where I start for writing topic inspiration.
For inspiration at home - home management, decor, meals, hobbies - I like Real Simple, Southern Living, Paleo Running Momma, the Nester, Coastal Living, Tsh Oxenreider and Gretchen Rubin.

SG: You were homeschooled. What was the best thing about it?
PM: The freedom to individualize my education to my gifts. I was also able to start working from a very young age, so I had an advantage in my career that prepared and equipped me for running a writing business, traveling, and balancing marriage/motherhood with my career.

SG: How did you decide to be a college counselor to homeschoolers?
PM: I fell into this part of my career after seeing how much homeschoolers struggled to communicate with higher education institutions regarding their unique transcripts. Once I became and admissions counselor at my alma mater, Liberty University, I was eventually allowed to write my own job description and work exclusively with homeschoolers. I resigned when Adeline was born, but a few months later was hired by a company who had seen my work with Liberty. I continue to travel and speak (for now) with that company.

SG: What is your favorite time of day and what do you do then that makes it so great?
PM: Morning, hands down! I try to get up at 5:30 AM each morning to spend time in the Word, read a few chapters in a book, drink my lemon water and then strength train or go for a run. It's a beautiful, calm time of day that helps me prepare for the busyness that lies ahead. I have never liked nighttime, but I try to make that more enjoyable with a bedtime routine. 

SG: What is your favorite thing to do with YOUR family?
PM: I love road trips - even with babies. Now that Adeline is older it is more fun to visit sites that she enjoys. I also love the beaches on Lake Michigan, which are only a few minutes away, and we enjoy trying new restaurants together. 

I am so thankful to Phylicia for taking the time to answer my questions and I'm so pleased to be featuring her on my blog. You can check out her blog, Phylicia Delta, and her awesome podcast with friend and fellow blogger Lisa Hensley. They are pretty fabulous!


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