Facing The Giants Quotes

J.T. Hawkins Jr.: You act like you gonna miss before you even kick the ball. See, we're gonna have to change your whole kicking philosophy. Now see, you kick it wide left, or wide right, but that ain't gonna get you home. The ball has got to go through the middle.
David Childers: I know, coach.
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: No, no, no. You don't. Now what does scripture say about this? Scripture says wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction. And many that be there find it. Now to us; that's wide left, and wide right. But narrow is the gate and straight is the way that leads to life, and few that be there find it. Anybody can kick it wide left and wide right. My momma can kick it wide left and wide right. But that ain't gonna get you home. It don't have to look great. It don't have to look smooth. It can look like a dying duck. But the ball has got to go through the middle. Now David, you gonna have to choose the narrow way. Cause that's the only path where you gonna get your reward. 

J.T. Hawkins Jr.: By the way, some man called lookin' for you today.
Grant Taylor: Who?
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: Stan Schultz.
Grant Taylor: Stan Schultz?
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: Yeah.
Brady Owens: Stan Schultz - isn't that a cartoonist?
Grant Taylor: That's *Charles* Schultz.
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: No, I thought Charles Schultz was that man that flew across the ocean in "The Spirit of St. Andrews."
Grant Taylor: That's Charles Lindbergh, and it's "The Spirit of St. Louis."
Brady Owens: Naw, Lindbergh is a cheese!
Grant Taylor: Limburger's the cheese. Lindbergh's the man.
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: No, Lindbergh was that blimp that blew up and killed all them people.
Grant Taylor: That's the Hindenburg.
Brady Owens: Nah, Hindenburg's where you go skiing in Tennessee.
Grant Taylor: That's Gatlinburg!
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: Gatlinburg? You mean like the country music group, the Gatlinburg Brothers?
Grant Taylor: [throws football] You guys are crazy.

 (You only need to watch from 3 minutes in to 5 minutes in for this scene)

Grant Taylor: Hey, where's my car?
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: Where'd you park it?
Grant Taylor: Right here!
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: You sure? 'Cause ain't no way it got stolen. Man, you couldn't pay nobody to steal your car!
Grant Taylor: Did the boys do something with it?
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: Hey, I don't know... hey, man, there's a note on this truck for you.
Grant Taylor: What does it say?
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: It says, "Grant Taylor, the impact you've made on our school means more to us than you'll ever know. The Lord has used you to meet a need in our lives. Now we want to meet a need in yours. You'll find the title of this new truck in your name. Please accept it as our way of saying thank you."
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: Uh uh! Somebody done gave you a truck?
[opens door]
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: Man, this title got your name on it. You got to be kiddin' me. Grant Taylor! Somebody done gave you a new truck!
Grant Taylor: [stunned] This is my truck...
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: Is this because you the head coach? 'Cause I'm the assistant coach. You think I'd get a moped outta this or something!
Grant Taylor: [almost in tears] Oh, Lord, You've given me a truck!
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: Well, it's your truck... drive it!
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: [as Grant drives away] That's right! No more jumper cables!
(If you've never seen the movie, some aspects of this scene might not mean much to you, but that is okay. And if you've seen Flywheel, notice that the dealer the truck is from is Jay Austin Motors.)

J.T. Hawkins Jr.: No see, when a black man goes bald he still looks good. Look at Michael Jordan, George Foreman, Samuel Jackson. Classy lookin brothers. Who you got? Kojak?


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