The Rebellion Blog Tour // Tales of Tarsurella #2

There are few books that make me think, "I wish this were a movie
and I would love to be in it". The Coronation is one of those books!
I don't think I can offer much higher praise!  

In preparing for this blog tour, I had the absolute pleasure of reading book #1 in this series, The Coronation. Oh my goodness, I LOVED IT!! 

Honestly, at first I wasn't sure I would. See, I had this idea that it was a fantasy world, but the character bios were super modern and full of things from our world. I don't like when books try to put our world things into a fantasy world, so I was wary. But it's totally not like that! Tarsurella is fictional, but you could totally see it existing in our world! 

The characters! I'm completely captivated. Millie and Willie are my favorite. I would love to hang out with them for a day. Such cuteness! But all the characters are so well developed. I was super impressed. They each have their own struggles and none of them feel cliche or contrived. They are honest challenges and they seek counsel and look for Godly wisdom.

Christianity is the foundation of this family. Olivia has some amazing wisdom and insight for someone her age. 

"Guarding your heart," the King continued his morning speech, "is not just 
something we must do in the area of relationships. It goes so much deeper than 
that. Guarding our hearts means guarding our minds, and keeping our peace.
One of the quickest ways to lose our peace is by worrying."

"Of course you're not ready! For if you were ready and confident,
do you think God would have given you this job? He gave it to you
not because you're ready, but because you're weak. For when you're
weak, that's the time God can display His strength. That's the time
when He can save the day and gain all the glory through your Kingdom."

Those are just two examples. I was also thrilled that Olivia used a modern translation of the Bible in this book. THANK YOU!!!!

What's this book actually about, you ask? Well, Prince Addison is just a few short weeks from becoming King of Tarsurella. A lot of emotions are rolling around him. Can he be a good king? Can he live up to the expectations and rule of his father? What if he fails? His sisters, Bridget, Hope, and Chasity in their different ways, are chaffing under the protectiveness of their father and royal life. Bridget wants to experience college life and feels smothered. Her best friends try to show her that her life is wonderful in its own way, and they wish they could be like her as much as she wishes she could be like them. Bridget is also dealing with moving on from a past hurt and, as she learns later on a trip to Alaska, that she's harboring unforgiveness. 

On Coronation Day, the palace is attacked. How does the royal family and all of Tarsurella recover from this? Will this fan the flames of dissension in the kingdom against the monarchy? And can Addison and his family forgive the betrayal from someone close to them? 

Themes in this book are family loyalty, love, forgiveness, contentment, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few others!!! Bravery and loyalty are shown amongst the royal family as well as by the "normal" people that surround them. 

This was a fantastic book and I am so excited to read the next one and hopefully Olivia is going to be writing many more books, because I want to get to know everyone better and follow the other siblings on their adventures. There is so much potential!!

 Look at this gorgeous cover! I love it!! There's a lot going on with this book tour - giveaways, a treasure hunt, interviews, and tons more, so be sure to check out some of the other blogs that are participating. Here is the official roster of participating blogs and what they are doing:
Meet Livy!

Livy Jarmusch is a twenty-something author, singer, and songwriter. She enjoys crafting YA fiction that is pure, lovely, inspirational, and of course, entertaining! When she's not writing, you can usually find her playing guitar, blogging, drinking peppermint tea, connecting with new friends, planning her next trip to Disney, or pinning images of Europe and Golden Retriever Puppies.
Connect With Livy!



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